The status cycles between Connected and Not Connected/Disconnected

If the status is cycling between connected and disconnected, it may mean a password was incorrectly entered.

1. Go to the
Favorites tab (Lion and Snow Leopard) or Profile tab (Leopard, Tiger, Panther)
2. If there are saved networks, select each one and then click delete
3. Once the list is empty, unplug BearExtender's USB cable then plug it back in after 3 seconds

4. When the scan is complete, click on your network once from the list, then click “
Add to Favorites” (Lion and Snow Leopard) or “Add Profile” (Leopard, Tiger, Panther).

5. Carefully enter your password.

Leoaprd, Tiger and Panther users need to click on the “Authentication and Security” tab first.
Pay special attention to capital or lower case letters in your password if applicable.
Then click "OK"

6. You will now be taken to a list of your favorite networks.
Double click the network you just created.

After a few moments, you should be connected.
Then open your web browser and refresh a few times.

Please also make sure your internal AirPort (Wi-Fi) card is turned off when using BearExtender.